Sunday, October 7, 2012

The First Presidential Debate

     The First Presidential Debate was extremely important for the outcome of the election.  Its the time that any voters who don't know who their voting for yet to figure it out.  Romney and Obama needed to take lots of time preparing for this huge event.  If they had said anything a person doesn't like each candidate could potentially lose or gain support.  With five weeks till voting this is the make it or break it for both Romney and Obama, since both are extremely close in poles.
     Overall, Romney took the victory.  He came into the debate as an underdog since Obama has a lot of experience.  But everyone could predict what Obama was going to say, so it was a great time for Romney to pick up slack and introduce his ideas.  He was extremely enthusiastic and would not drop a point until he had the last word, even if that meant he had to interrupt the moderator.  I thought his most important points were raising taxes kills jobs, being energy independent, and that we shouldn't be told what health care to have.  It showed his passion for his ideas and change, which is what we need.
     The debate was definitely in the "cool" media category.  Since it was broadcasted on TV it connected to the viewers a lot more than it would have if it was on radio.  The images on TV pull the audience in and they are more likely to remember what is being said if they can relate it to what there seeing.  The televised debate was also "cool" because it promoted the audience to get involved with what was being said during it.  If one of the candidates said something the viewer did not agree with the person maybe so into the television that they might yell or argue back.  The big reason the TV works so well is that it activates more than one sense than the radio does.  The radio triggers hearing but the TV triggers hearing and seeing.  The more senses activated the more the audience will participate and remember what is being said.  Also, watching TV is something a person can do with a group of people and it can start up conversations.  This is in contrast to reading an online article where only one person can do it at a time.  TV really has completely changed the election process.

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