Tuesday, October 2, 2012

[outfoxed] ~ FOX



       Outfox FOX we get an inside view of many of the practices that journalist and anchors use on their shows. Bill O' Reilly is probably the best example of this type of behavior. In the documentary we see many instances where Bill not only shows his subjective side on certain matters, but cuts people of who don't agree with him. This is all on a channel which depicts themselves as being objective and fair. In the documentary there is an instance where Bill O' Reilly interviews the son of a man who died in 9/11, not only does he not agree with him but Bill keeps cutting him off. I find that Bill does not defend his position with logical ideas.

      In the links I provide above we see two different views that Bill takes on homosexuality. In the first video we see Bill defending Ellen Degeneres because she is an "American." He defends her against a group of mothers who petition against Ellen being the spokes person for a department store. Bill O' Reilly many times has shared his thoughts on homosexuality, and for some reason he opposes himself in saying that Ellen should not be judged for who she is, because she is an American with the freedom of being who she wants.

     In the second video we see Bill speaking with the author of a book entitled "Choices." The gentleman is a homosexual who believes that we are unable to choose who we are or what we feel, but we are able to choose what we can do with those feelings. Bill on this stance describes his feeling on Homosexuality and how he detests people who are "out there and in my face." Ellen Degeneres is known for being proud of who she is and what she stands for.

    This discrepancy in opinion, should lead people away from their propaganda and beliefs. It is not hard to have an opinion and make statements based upon those ideas. What is difficult is accepting that their are always two sides to every story, and each side should be equally heard.

    Through out the documentary we can see the slogan "Fair and Balanced"which supposedly describes the way they interpret and disperse their media. This is clearly false as there is a clear bias towards the right conservative side of politics.

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