Wednesday, October 31, 2012


     These days we are all dependent on some sort of technology.  This is what the movie eXistenZ is trying to get across to the viewers.  Many of us would not know how to function without computers or cell phones.  In a way we put part of our self into them by uploading pictures and videos or entering a list of personal phone numbers.  In the movie this actually physically happens when the gamer plugs the cord from the pod into their back.  We put trust in our electronics to save and keep our information just like in the movie where the pod has control over the person in the game and the person must the game to keep them safe.  The pod can make the virtual gamer say what it wants to keep the plot of the game going, even if the gamer does not want to say or do an action.  The pod then becomes apart of the person.  The humanly, skin type texture of the pod just adds to it. This correlates to what McLuhan has said about media being an extension of us and when our media is taken away it is like an amputation.  The pod actually feeds off the gamer in the video and if the person is tired and weak the game wont work right.  This is seen in our life with technology, too.  If a person spends too much time on the computer or watching TV they get tired and feel drained.  They then resort to eating or exercise or a mental break from technology to get their strength back. Overall, eXistenZ is a metaphor about how technology has become so important to us that it is like it is we are physically connected to technology.

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