Sunday, October 14, 2012

Movies and the Internet

     Now a days, a person can look up any movie on the internet and find out its ratings, plot summary, cast, and much more information on it.  An example of a internet site that does this is, which has information on movies, television shows, and movie trailers.  The internet, which is a "cool" media, has now integrated a "hot" media into it, movies.  I think this has benefited movies but also changed the experience.
     This has benefited movies because the internet can now make movies more participatory.  A person can now go online before watching a movie and look up what its about and if it has good ratings.  By doing this the person is more likely to remember the movie because their making a connection and efort by going online.  Hence, if a movie is popular online, more people will want to watch it and the movie owners will make more money.  Also, if a person likes a certain actress or actor then they can search other movies online that have that person in it.
     I think that the whole movie experience has changed since movies were adapted to the internet.  There is rarely any element of surprise any more because most of us have already seen online or on tv what it is about.  Also, if we see something we don't like about a movie then that may make us not see a certain movie but we might have actually really liked it.
     Overall, movies originally were never very interactive, all a person has to do was listen and watch.  Now though, the internet has changed that and we can go look up a summary of a movie before hand or find out the cast. The internet has changed our interpretations of movies.

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