Monday, October 1, 2012

Outfox Fox

This video shows Fox's coverage of the 2010 Healthcare reform law providing access free preventive care for all women, and the modification that religious employers are not required to directly provide contraception to employees. The clips from Fox News show their ironically unfair and unbalanced approach to spreading incorrect news and misinforming viewers. This distorts the credibility and trust that should exist between the government, journalist, and the general public, as the Fox representatives provided outright fabricated information. They were giving flak to "Obamacare" and insisting that the healthcare reform forced all employers to provide contraception to employees, violating their religious liberty. They could not back up their statements with any real facts because they were untrue, and they simply played upon the platform of Obama losing the "Christian vote." This is a display of their partisan reporting, and inconsistency in using objective sources of information.

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