Friday, October 26, 2012

Internet - Medium - Politics

Internet has proven to be one of the most effective mediums to transmit ideas. Mostly because of its vast reach and ease of access. Unfortunately, like many other mediums, not everything posted on the inter-webs is valid.

This year, the internet has become a vital medium for the presidential candidates. Using videos and post to reach the undecided voters residing in the swing states. A profile has been created to depict the average undecided voter of this presidential election. The traits are as follows:

  • 62% Young Females
  • High School Education
  • Don't Have Opinions *
  • Don't Follow Politics *
  • Low Income
  • Renters
  • Do Not Own Guns
  • 36 percent spend five hours a week on Facebook *

  • The video above is a creative/sarcastic manner to comment on the political debate itself. Using comedy, it portrays what many people take from the debate: superficial aspects. People tend to focus more on the candidates expressions, body language and gestures rather on the message they are giving. One reason could be attributed to the fact that almost everything discussed during a debate has been previously stated, leaving for very little novelty in terms of information. The other is due to people not being interested in politics. The truth is that regardless of what the candidates said, very few of the already decided voters would have had a change in perspective. This leaves the undecided voters, which in most cases could care less about what they were saying. 

    In the video, the audio feed from the first debate is replaced with words that synchronize to the lip movements of the candidates. The message itself does not transmit any pivotal information, but then again even if it did very few people would change their political support.

    Then you have individuals that post the following opinions:

    It's important to stress the relevance of this medium, as so many of these undecided voters have access to it. So when it comes time to form opinions on these topics, they are easily influenced by what the see. Not having a strong interest in politics, leads to very little effort being placed to inquire about the topic, let alone finding out if what is circulating is in fact rational.  

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