Monday, October 8, 2012

Presidential Debate #1

The Presidential Debates are how most America decide who they will ultimately vote for in the upcoming election. It is during this time that candidates can attempt to set the record straight about the policies they support and reveal any plans they have for our country. Ultimately, the candidates want to use this time effectively in order to try and gain the majority. For those that do not have a clear-cut choice in their head prior to watching the debates, it is easy to be swayed by what both candidates are saying. With that in mind, it is important for anybody watching the debates to look up the facts afterwards to see what is truth and what is not.

This debate was no different, and I believe that in the case of this Presidential debate, Mitt Romney was a clear winner. I felt that President Obama did not say anything the public did not already know, and therefore, Mitt Romney was able to try and make a better reputation for himself since he had a somewhat negative reputation prior to the debate. Additionally, before the debate, President Obama was leading Mitt Romney in polls taken by the public. I thought that this made a huge difference in how Mitt Romney represented himself because these debates are now his only chance to convince the voting population that he should be the next President of the United States.

Overall, I felt that the moderator, Jim Lehrer, was a weak moderator. I felt that many points were repeated so many times that there was then not enough time to go into further detail about other issues such as National Defense. The repetition gave Romney the chance to drive his novel ideas into the memories of the American people, but overall, it was a little annoying that we did not get to hear more about other issues that are just as important.

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