Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Outfoxing O'Reilly


     This clip is the day-of coverage of the mass murder of approximately 80 people and children in Norway by Christian Extremist Anders Breivik. Initially, Fox News blamed the attack on Islamic Fundementalists when there was no evidence yet to be found. However, once evidence was found that Breivik was a Christian Extremist rather than an Islamic Extremist, Fox called upon their most notorious and stubborn reporter, Bill O'Reilly to refute these claims.
     O'Reilly claims that there is no way that anyone who believes in Jesus can commit mass murders, when there are multiple instances in history that show many people being murdered on behalf of Christian beliefs, such as the Crusades. O'Reilly later claims that there is no evidence that Breivik was even a Christian: he didn't carry around a Bible or didn't attend church. However, when Breivik's house was searched, he had a manifesto with his plan of attack and in it, Breivik says that he wished to be a modern day Templar, which is, simply put, a knight that fights for Christianity against Muslims. Lastly, O'Reilly states that the reason for the claims of Breivik as a Christian Extremist is because the left-wing media wants people to compare Christianity to Islam. This isn't what Fox wants, for obvious reasons, but the fact that they're throwing the blame on liberal media is skewed in its own right. These are a few examples of Fox's deliberate distortion and misrepresentation of facts and evidence in their reporting.

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