Sunday, September 23, 2012

War Made Easy

     War Made Easy shows how mass media portrays political events biasedly, specifically the Iraq war and Bush’s presidency.   The “propaganda model” written by Herman and Chomsky shows how the biased goes into different categories and filters.
     In this video it showed only a few news channels dominate and it all has to do with money and investment.  Also, whatever the government wants will be persuaded to the public through media.  For example in the video Bush is very pro going to war and wants the viewers approval.  Hence, some of the media is pro going to war with Iraq even if they don’t have solid evidence on why.  They showed retired generals saying that it is inevitable that America will be going to war with Iraq to show the public authority figures as a convincing mechanism.
     Most people will believe anything if the government gives approval of it because of their status.  The government and media have a very close relationship.  This is shown in War Made Easy when reporters are in the pentagon showing papers as evidence which seems very real to the viewers.  Another thing seen is how presidents promote peace to calm the public but when making crucial decisions they choose violence instead.
     This video also shows lots of “flak “which is a negative response to media.  Literally almost the whole thing is mocking how rarely anything seen in the news on TV is ever true.  It all has bias behind it, which is caused by powerful companies trying to persuade their beliefs and actions.  The video shows lots of retaliation against war.  The media is very contradictory; one channel is saying something while another is saying something completely different.  This can make the public very uneasy and cause distrust toward media and the government.

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