Sunday, September 9, 2012

Analysis of DNC event through Barthes's codes

Clinton's attendance and speech at the Democratic National Convention was one of the most intriguing moments to me, and since Jess already analyzed the article about Clinton's endorsement I wanted just look at a snippet of that event captured in this image. It's from the end of Clinton's speech when Obama came out and Clinton bowed down to him before they hugged.
An image is different from an article or narrative in that it fails to provide an element of mystery in and of itself, but rather just shows its subject as is. There is no hermeneutic code or obstacle offered to the reader (in this case the viewer), and the only element of mystery can be provided by the viewer him/herself through questioning after seeing the image: where is this happening? why is it happening? what are the key elements of this image?
The proairetic code is present, though not directly. This is how an image differs from video- no action is occurring but we know that it is there. The position of Clinton's body shows that he is in the process of bowing, and Obama is walking toward him.
The semic code is what is most evident: we are able to characterize Clinton and his clear expression of respect toward Obama. He is expressing this in front of a large audience, which the viewer is allowed to feel a part of. The inclusion of the audience in the image ensures that we are not intruding on a moment but looking at a public exchange between the current and former Presidents. We can characterize Obama through his body language and grasp his appreciation toward Clinton. Obama is positioned slightly above Clinton in the image, but they are both main focal points of the image, in line with the imaginary divisions on the photo according to the rule of thirds. Although Obama is standing midground, with Clinton in the foreground and the audience in the background, his presence is most important as the Honorable Presidential Nominee, but both the humble respect of former president Clinton and enthusiastic support of the crowd contribute to this importance. Such high standing would not be achievable without his supporters.
Symbolic code is not really present, as everything in the photo is raw and not offering a bigger picture. It does imply Clinton's support and nomination of Obama, but that is not a symbol of anything that isn't already present.
Some reference could be grasped from the surroundings, and if the viewer didn't know where this image came from it is still clear that the occasion is very official and the blue flooring with white stars offers the patriotic background that is typical of large political events.

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