Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bill O'Reilly on Sandra Fluke


        In a news segment Bill O'Reilly had on March of 2012, he and fellow Fox news anchor, Megyn Kelly, discussed their opinions over Georgetown student Sandra Fluke asking the university to cover contraceptives under their students' health insurance. Megyn Kelly was asked to appear on the show so that a comparison could be made between her and Fluke. However, this comparison was clearly pointing Kelly out as a good virtuous woman, and Ms.Fluke as a naive college girl who is trying to scam the government out of money.
        Throughout the show O'Reilly and Kelly both pint out how they were hard working students, but the new generations seems to have bad values. O'Reilly then quickly links this "theme" of people asking the government for aid to the Obama administration. The issue quickly escalates and O'Rielly points out that this is not about Fluke trying to get free contraceptive coverage; its about her being used by the White House to bring about the issue of women's rights and get more votes out. Finally, Kelly follows up stating that this healthcare should be provided to those who need it rather than having the money go to waste by covering contraceptives for young college girls.
        In this Youtube clip there is a big push of the Republican platform on the viewer. Two conservative people are having a discussion on an issue they are clearly against without shedding any light on what the other parties views are. It is also manipulated to make Fluke appear lazy, self-important, and "manipulated" by the White House. According to Herman and Chompky's filters this particular segment is exposing both the first and fourth filters. Rupert Murdoch, owner of the FOX division, is a know conservative and the programing displayed on the show clearly coincides with his beliefs, as pointed out by OutFoxed. Also, O'Rielly and Kelly are both clearly trying to diminish any credibility that Fluke had and also linking her to a White House agenda, which is an assumption, in order to make the opposing party appear wasteful to the public.
          This clip, along with Rush Limbaugh's statement, where heavily covered by the media when they came out and also during the Democratic National Convention since Women's right is a big issue on the Democratic Party platform.

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