Wednesday, September 12, 2012

DNC & Barthes' 5 Codes

   The possible enigma that this photo brings to surface is the question of what is this picture actually representing? Where is this located and what is going on? These questions can illustrate the hermeneutic code since they rise interest in the photo and make viewers want to know more.
   Although action cant actually be seen in a photo, we are still able to make conclusions about what is going on based on what we see. The President is clearly giving a speech while his supporters cheer in the background. These actions show the proairetic code.
   Through the semic code, people are characterized with certain attributes. This pictures Barack Obama as the center of attention at the convention, thus letting the viewer see him as important and in charge. These characteristics are reinforced with the help of the camera angle, since he is centered and we can see the audience giving him all their attention.
  The out-of-focus American flags swaying in the foreground are symbolic of the United States and what the nation, and in this case the President, stand for.
   The referential code is made present in the photo through the signs that audience members are holding which probably have Obama's name on them.

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